Rugged Handheld Data Collector Accessory
Description: Rechargeable Extended Capacity Battery Pack, 5200mAh, Li-Ion
Condition: Brand new with standard manufacturer's warranty
Compatibility: HandHeld Nautiz X5, Nautiz X5 eTicket
Please contact us for the latest pricing on the Rugged Nautiz X5 Data Collector. For additional accessories or warranty information, please contact us or visit our store.
Please note that these accessories are typically not in stock. If the item is not in stock at the time of your purchase, it may not ship until 10 days after your purchase. For expedited shipping, please contact us.
Please contact seller with any questions. Thank you!
Shipping: Please note that we will select the most economical shipping service available unless otherwise requested / selected at the time of your checkout. Will combine shipping on all orders when practical. Please contact seller if you wish to hold items from being shipped. Please note that the United States Postal Service online tracking system has frequent delays - the Delivery Confirmation / Customs ID information is only accurate at the time that the package is delivered to the buyer.
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Return Policy: We will accept returns on any items that are grossly misrepresented in our listing description. This is the only condition in which returns will be accepted. It is the buyer’s responsibility to read the listing description and observe all listing pictures (please enlarge all listing pictures when possible). The buyer must notify the seller of the listing error within 48 hours of receiving the item. If an item is damaged in transit, the buyer should notify the seller within 48 hours of receiving the item – please note that shipping insurance must be purchased at the time of checkout in order to file a shipping damage claim.
NY Sales Tax: Sales tax must be collected from New York based buyers only. Please view the "Shipping and Payments" section for details. If you have tax exempt status or are a reseller, kindly provide your New York State documentation before making your purchase so that we can adjust your invoice total.
HandHeld Nautiz X5 Rechargeable EXTENDED 5200mAh Battery
- Brand: Bluebird Pidion
- Product Code: NX5-2004
- Availability: 52